Sunday, September 15, 2013

Quotes on Quotes

According to Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of FinAid, a Web site about student aid, "People don't pay attention to the debt, they want to be able to pay for the school they have wanted to go to for as long as they can remember, and they are willing to do whatever it takes."  In other words, Kantrowitz believes most students are only concerned with the place they want to go instead of whats required to go their, like the loans they'll be taking out while they are there and the debt that they'll be in once they leave.

In Robert A. Sevier's view, a senior vice president at Stamats Inc., a higher-education marketing firm in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, "People live outside their means."  Servier's point is that people look for more than they need and attempt to take care of more than they can afford.

Lauren J. Asher herself states, "People lose control of their finances, and sometimes they make choices you wish they hadn't made."  In making this comment, Asher urges us to keep a conscious eye on the choices we make, because committing to whats unnecessary will destroy our finances.

Patrick M. Callan, president of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, makes note that "The only thing worse than borrowing, is not borrowing and not going to college at all."  The essence of his argument is that although borrowing for college leads to later debt and troubles, those same troubles can only be made worse by not going to college.

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