Monday, September 16, 2013

Quotes on Quotes Pt. 2

Thomas Jefferson stated, “Everybody should have an education proportional to their life.”  In other words, Jefferson's meaning is that any individual may go to college, but only if its to supplement their later career, or if its supports their line of work in the process of becoming a successful individual.  I believe in a similar manner that someone such as myself, even the students beside me, should only venture into college if it will later supplement their profession or area of occupation.

  According to a young African-American student , “College is the key, as well as hope.”  His point is that in order for the newer generations to prosper in this ever-changing world,  college is the hand that guides and opens the door for possibility.  I strongly agree, as to the fact that my understanding is that for anyone regardless whether it's me or the person sitting across the room from me, college is what will truly aid in our progression through life as it continually grows more difficult than it was for the generations before us

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