Monday, September 9, 2013

Her point is... 9/9/13

  In this article, it is no question that many people disagree with the presidents decision to begin a war with Syria. Early in the text, Robert H. Scales states that " today’s soldiers know war and resent civilian policymakers who want the military to fight a war that neither they nor their loved ones will experience firsthand."  This to me shows that the military understands more of whats at stake here then the majority of people who run the country do, and that those people wouldn't want to endure another war if they were in the soldiers boots either.  However, due to the nature of what our country is becoming due to the people running the country, irrational and stupid decisions are being made, and most everyone is against and disagrees with what we as a country are getting into.  Scales also acknowledges how many people are fully against the decisions being made with the quote "They are embarrassed to be associated with the amateurism of the Obama administration’s attempts to craft a plan that makes strategic sense." With "they" referring to the people of America, soldiers included,  it is obvious that the author of this article is incredibly disgusted by what our "leader" is getting our troops, fresh out of a decade of war, back into.

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